Total Tayangan Halaman

Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

My Twenty Years

Masuk di Umur 20an ya.. banyak bener sebenernya hal - hal yang gak pernah w bayangin waktu SMA bakal terjadi seperti moment moment di umur ke 20 ini. yang pertama gua berhasil lulus micro teaching 1 dan Seminar Umum yang mudah - Mudahan lulus juga. Gua ngajar BUNG !!  hal yang gak pernah gua pikirkan dulu bahwa gua bakal ngambil jurusan keguruan. yang pasti kedepannya salah satu tujuan gua adalah jadi guru dong. HAHA it's like jokes for me, I Never thought to be a teacher before. sebenernya gua ngambil jurusan ini karena kecelakaan or lebih tepatnya kepepet karena kegagalan gua menembus jurusan idaman gua Tehnik Informatika Universitas Lampung atau juga jurusan Administrasi Pajak STAN yang kedua - duanya juga gagal. tapi gak pa2, gua ambil hikmahnya mungkin kedua jurusan itu bukan yang terbaik buat gua. sekarang pekerjaan gua untuk fokus cuma satu. jalanin apa yang gua dapetin apa yang gua miliki hari ini dengan bener - bener dan total. udah bukan semester 1 , 2, dan 3 lagi gua harus setengah - setengah buat kuliah. Harus total gua mulai sekarang. ini juga karena ada kaitanya dengan event ketiga yang bakal gua hadapi yang bakal lebih menantang. Ya PPL / pengertian umumnya latihan mengajar Siswa - siswa di setiap SMA or SMP. masih jadi mimpi buruk sebenernya dengan kemampuan mengajar gua yang menurut pendapat banyak orang dan gua sendiri masih belum maksimal selama micro teaching 1. yang gua harapkan semoga semuanya berjalan lancar sesuai dengan rencana. MAN JADDA WA JADDA !! So for you Students of SMA UTAMA WACANA Metro wait for me. I'll come for you !!

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

Rahasia Hati

Saat suatu rahasia besar terbongkar
Dan aroma tersebut tentang Hawa
Memebuat Adam semakin sadar
Akan mustahilnya Sang adam untuk mengejar Hawa

Bukanya Adam rela untuk melepas sang Hawa
Karena sesungguhnya Adam tak bisa tanpanya
Demi hati yang terus terasa sakit
Jika terus melanjutkannya

Sang hawa yang membuat Adam sakit
dengan berbagai kelakuan terhadapnya
Kini terserah apa maunya
Hati sang adam telah berhasil terlepas

Aku Belum Menyerah

Entah mengapa terakhirnya pada kesempatan ini
Aku hampir belari menyerah pada hati
Sesuatu hal yang sangat kuat
Hingga hatiku takut untuk melawannya

Aku menyerah . . .
Kata yang ingin kulontar
Kini kubuka lembaran pagi baru
Untuk mencari kertas kosong
Agar dapat kuiisi dengan tinta darah hati

Light Of Spirit Life

Cahaya Semangat Hidupku
Redup sinarku untukku satu
Hingga membuat ku sakit yang tak terhingga
Tiada semangat untuk hari hari yang baru lahir

Namun Tuhan ternyata masih melihat
Cahaya kedua dikirimkan dalam suatu yang berbeda
Mencairkan hati yang beku
Memberi rasa dan semangat baru
Cahaya yang memberi ribuan inspirasi

PPL First Phase Muhammadiyah Metro University

Special for Sixth semester students of Muhammadiyah University of Metro. For you who want to know where is their location for their PPL First phase 2012. You can open this link if you want to know who get the job in Senior High School. Check this out

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Daniele De Rossi

Daniele De Rossi atau DDR nama dari salah satu Pemain Tengah berbakat didunia yang dimiliki club hebat Italia AS ROMA, De Rossi memang dianggap menjadi sosok paling pantas menggantikan Totti jika kelak pensiun. Il nuovo principe (pangeran baru), itulah julukan De Rossi. Capitan Futuro adalah julukan yang diberikan fans Roma pada dirinya. Daniele De Rossi bergabung dengan sistem pembinaan usia muda AS Roma. bisa bermain disegala possi, itulah kenapa berbagai club elit eropa berminat merekrutnya. Mulai dari The citizen, El Barca, El Real berminat merekrutnya, berikut profile pemain idola para Romanisti.

Nama Lengkap    : Daniele De Rossi
Tempat Lahir      : Roma, Italia
Tanggal Lahir      : 24 Juli 1983
Kebangsaan         : Italia
Posisi                    : Gelandang
Bermain di Klub : AS Roma
Tinggi                   : 1.84 m (6 ft 0 in)

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Ramadhan Penuh Berkah

Seperti Ada sesuatu yang indah
di Antara gundukan gundukan sampah
Yang mengeluarkan aroma yang wangi
Diantara bau bau yang busuk

Sama seperti datangnya bulan ramadhan
Bulan ini Ramadhan hadir disaat yang tepat
Disaat kondisi umat islam dalam keadaan Rapuh
Oleh semua rantai rantai kemusrikan

Perlahan tapi pasti kerapuhan itu akan kembali kokoh
Disaat Bulan Ramadhan datang bak cahaya
Yang menerangi Kondisi umat islam saat ini
Yang terbelenggu oleh jebakan kemaksiatan

Hanya dalam hitungan Waktu
Cahaya tersebut akan menerangi umat islam
Walaupun saat itu Cobaan lebih besar menghadang
Ku yakin umat islam mampu menang.

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

The Importance of Reforestation - Hortatory

In this era, many people are doing illegal logging. They did not understand about breakage of circles. In their mind only money, they are going bad the forest. So, many population there became extinct. As a human who know about the circles, we must doing the reforestation. Because the reforestation is very important in repair the circles.

The Damage of Road - Cause Effect Paragraph

Did you know about cause effect of damage road? If you do not know, no problem because in this writing we will explain about cause and effect of damage in the road. There are many cause and effect that will be explain here. Causal factor damage of road are the cars which carry items which exceed of capacity.Like the cargo truck which should be loaded  8 tons but filled more than 8 tons . So there will pressure which causing asphalt become damage. After that the vibration which made from the cars which loaded  big capacity also making damage in the asphalt. And then the asphalt which shaping concave and a cracked it will formed a small hole which gradually became a big hole. Besides the car, Causal factor of damage in the road also because building of infrastructure which bad. This matter because the government careless for public facility especially to roads which damage. Until reparation of the road is late and causing the road more and more which damage.

Irfan Fired from Indonesia National Team - Opinion

What do you think about irfan bachdim who was fired from the Indonesian national team squad? And do you agree that irfan bachdim out of the Indonesian national team? Of course that  is a pity that Irfan bahdim must out from Indonesia's national team. and certainly the fans irfan bachdim very disappointed and sad with decisions taken by coach of national team. But before we misjudge why irfan was fired by Rachmat Darmawan which Irfan is actually a naturalized player, then So there is no wrong if we search about information why irfan bachdim fired by the coach. the coach of national team Rachmat Darmawan have strong reason why he should be fire Irfan bachdim. Not perhaps as a great coach, he fired at random players without a clear and mature calculation. And certainly Rachmat darmawan coach has chosen a good and wise decisions for the glory of football Indonesia. because the greatness of Football team not only of skill individual of one player, but also factor of teamwork which very good and solid.

Grand Strategy - Article

Where the state will be taken if the leader does not have a grand strategy? That's the question that must be submitted to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.The question is increasingly disturbing our right mind, especially after watching how the leaders resolve those alleged problems in the Democratic Party, the ruling party. How to solve this problem is a way that does not solve the problem. The alleged former Treasurer General of the Democratic Party elite Muhammad Nazaruddin to a number of Democratic Party involving corruption state budget money. In fact, corruption is a tremendous problem in this country. Republic is even referred to as one of the most corrupt country in the world.

Comparison Contrast between Rudi and Francesco

Talking about Rudy and Francesco can be a good matter to comparison. They are having four perspectives to comparison. Are they the same or different? Both of them can be similar and different depend on the perspective. There are similarities and differences between Rudy and Francesco.

Both similarities and differences cover four main aspects. There are physical, job, characteristic, and properties. Rudi and Francesco have similarities and differences. Firstly, Rudi’s face is handsome and his body is tall, while francesco is ugly, pimply, and his body is short. So Rudi more better than Francesco from physical facet and course if they want to compete in fighting over the girl probably Rudi is a winner and Francesco is a loser.  Secondly both of them is fat, bright brown skin and sharp. they are same proud have bright brown skin because westerner like with people who have bright brown skin. Thirdly, Rudi’s job is football player, this job yielding much money many people want to football player, while francesco job is PNS, many people also who want to be a PNS because big goodly salary. Then it is about characteristic. Characteristic of Rudi is selfish, arrogant, spite, cranky. On the contrary characteristic of Francesco is wise, kind, humble, honest, and polite. Then they also have same characteristic, that is a brave, skillful, and confident. However rudi have 1 Ninja RR motorcycle, 1 sport car, luxuriant house and saving about 200 million in the bank. It all he got from his wage as long as he becomes a football player. Different with Rudi has, Francesco just has 1 Matic motorcycle, simpe house, and he has saving only 40 million in the bank and it he got from his wage as long as work as PNS.

Television is bad or good for the Children

Do you know about what the television is bad or good for children? If you do know, do not worry because I will explain about it to you. In this writing I will explain about pros and cons of television for children. Because with we learn argument of someone, we are become know what the television is bad or good for children

Descriptive Essay (A Beautiful Shakira)

Do you know Shakira? If you do not know her. Do not worry because I will explain it to you. There are many things about her: her physical, her personality, her activities, her origin, and so on. But in this writing, I will describe Shakira from three perspectives: Physical, personality, and activities. Because three aspects is a part that important if we wants to know someone well.

About Myself (Narrative Text)

I am writing about myself. There are many matters that related to me and make proper to be narrated. That is all because everything related with me is enough interesting to story. First is about my birth. I was born on 11 June 1991. In one of metro city hospital, after five years of my birth. I entered to several ladder of education let me got the competent education. From kindergarten until I become Student University I always step into education institute which with high quality. For example, when I got many schedule in my campus. I got full schedule there. After my business is was over in campus. I went home to shake together with my family like my father, my mother, and my younger sister. At the moment shake together with my family, I ate my favorite food like apple. One day I ever late to went home. That matter because my back tyres is broken. I am afraid my father angry with me because not went home on time. So I brought my motorcycle to repair shop. Then after my tyres was fixed by clerk of that repair shop, I directly went home and I am lucky my dad not angry with me. That is all about me. Finally, my life and everything related to it make me happy and existed.
(Source : My task when I was first semester, there are many errors grammar :)))

Lotus Flowers

Wajahmu begitu merona saat Dipandang
Setiap memandangmu. . .
Anganku melayang pada bunga Lotus
Bunga Lotus berbunga dilumpur
Tapi Lotus sama dengan dirimu. . .
Sama - sama memiliki sinar yang indah

Begitu pula dengan Senyum indahmu
Senyummu seperti Lotus
Senyum sang Lotus memberi warna dilumpur
Keindahan yang menutupi Keburukan

Lotus membuat lumpur menjadi sedap dipandang
Lotus dapat memalingkan wajah 
Dan wajahmu pun seperti Lotus
Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku :))))) 

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Sang Pemimpi

Dalam kehidupan yang Bersifat Aksiomatis ini
Pernah Terucap dari sebuah kotak intelektual
Berwujud benda yang abstrak
Yang meramal masalah kehidupan

Menyangkut kehidupan bocah kecil
Yang digariskan garis Kebodohan
Ketidakmampuan serta kegagalan
Seperti Telah ditakdirkan padanya
kutukan mengerikan di kerutan tangannya

Namun sang anak tidak mau menyerah
dan dipaksa berpikir skeptis
Bak Iterbium yang langka
Sang bibit masa depan terus mencoba
Memburu batas kemampuannya
walaupun semua hanya penuh dengan Ketidakpastian. 

Best Memory With Campus College 4 Semester

“I Try Not Become A Man Of Success But Rather To Become A Man Of Value, Significance, Quality & Inspiration In Life.God Has Not Called Me To Be Successful But He Has Called Me To Be Faithful. If I Die Tomorrow.I’d Be Alright..Because I Believe..That After I’m Gone..The Spirit Carries On.” "What I do you cannot do and what you do, I cannot do. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful".

Video Drama "Take Me Out D7"

Waktu itu gua mendapat peran sebagai seorang Arsitektur Muda sukses yang ceritanya sedang mencari jodoh dalam cerita tersebut, Karena gua kurang pas or kurang match dengan peran gua atau mungkin karena memang gue nya yang gak punya bakat sama sekali di bidang acting, bisa dibayangkan gimana performa gua dipanggung, menurut penilaian gue sewaktu liat video dramanya, performa gua Ancur abis hahahaha. . .tapi gak papa itung - itubg sebagai pengalaman berharga selama berada dikampus.

Employee Reference Letter (Translation 2)

Philadelphia, PA 19103
January 4, 200X
Mr. Joe Boss
Acme Company
456 Main St.
Philadelphia, PA 12345 

Dear Mr. Boss. . .
It is my pleasure to recommend Mike Applicant, his performance working as a consultant for Main St. Company proved that he will be a valuable addition to any company.
I have known Mike for two years in my capacity as Assistant Manager at Main St. Company. Mike worked for me on various projects as a consultant, and based on his work, I would rank him as one of the best consultants we have ever had.
Mike distinguished himself by consistently submitting exceptionally well-researched and well-written reports on our clients. Mike is highly intelligent and has good analytical and communication skills.
If his performance in our company is a good indication of how he would perform in yours, he would be an extremely positive asset to your program.
If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me

Yours Sincerely,
Joe Smith

HEALTH REPORT (Speech Concept of Public Speaking)

Someday, when I read one of the newspapers in our country Indonesia. I read a lot of problems which closely related to health problems. And one of them is about the death pregnant mothers and newborns. I was surprised to read some points such as:
1. West java health agency head alma lucyati said that 837 mothers and 5201 newborns died in the province last year.
2.  Six provinces contribute majority of neonatal, maternal deaths nationally.
3.   There are 14 newborns and two mothers giving birth who die every day in west java
And it is worrying that many tragic events occurred only in the west Java alone. What about in other provinces, such as Lampung example. Therefore guys, as educated people we should be concerned and need to find a solution to help solve this problem. Because if not us who else. And when we face a problem like this the most important and effective action is not insignificant. Such as:
1.  Accusing anyone to blame.
2.  Blame it on the government because lack of a given close attention.
3.  blaming the lack of adequate health facilities in each province.

Jeruk Nipis Buat Mengusir Bau Badan

Selain menjadi sirup, air perasan jeruk nipis yang rasa asam menjadi campuran masakan atau minuman lain, seperti jamu. Pasalnya jeruk nipis tak hanya bisa menjadi minuman sehati-hari yang menyegarkan, namun juga mengandung khasiat obat. Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) merupakan tumbuhan perdu dengan banyak cabang. Tanaman ini banyak ditanam di pekarangan dan kebun. Tingginya bisa mencapai enam meter. Daunnya berbentuk bulat telur dan tiap daun bertangkai daun. Bunganya berbentuk bintang berwarna putih. Batangnya berkayu keras, dan biasanya berbuah setelah 2,5 tahun. Buahnya berbentuk bulat dengan permukaan yang licin, berkulit tipis, dan berwarna hijau kekuningan kalau sudah tua. Tanaman ini diduga berasal dari daerah India sebelah utara. Buahnya mengandung banyak air dan vitamin C yang cukup tinggi. Daun, buah, dan bunganya mengandung minyak terbang.
Biasanya jeruk nipis tumbuh dengan baik di daerah dataran rendah yang banyak terkena sinar matahari. Jeruk nipis mengandung asam sitrat, asam amino (triptofan, lisin), minyak atsiri (sitral, limonen, felandren, lemon kamfer, kadinen, gerani-lasetat, linali-lasetat, aktilaldehid, nnildehid) damar, glikosida, asam sitrun, lemak, kalsium, fosfor, besi, belerang vitamin B1 dan C. Rasa jeruk nipis yang asam bisa membantu membersihkan nikotin yang terdapat pada gigi dan mulut orang yang suka merokok. Dari kandungan berbagai minyak dan zat di dalamnya, jeruk nipis dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi disentri, sembelit, ambeien, haid tak teratur, difteri, jerawat, kepala pusing atau vertigo, suara serak, batuk, bau badan, menambah nafsu makan, mencegah rambut rontok, ketombe, flu, demam, terlalu gemuk, amandel, penyakit anyang-anyangan (kencing terasa sakit), mimisan, dan radang hidung.

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