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Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Tes Bahasa Komunikatif

a.    Definition of Communiative Test
Communicative test is a test which is not usually used to measure grammatical skills, a focus on communication. The tests are intended to give participants a task to conduct tests with specific language skills, including the ability to communicative. Communicative tests need to be developed with a clear relationship to the real context.

As pragmatic approach can be interpreted as the expansion and improvement of ideas in the form of merger approach integrative elements are more diverse, including ekstralinguistik elements, the communicative approach can be understood as an approach to language test coverage is much more diverse and complex than pragmatic approach. In the communicative approach, language is not seen merely as something that has a structure like a neat view of structural linguistics to the individual - each type of skills and elements - elements that can be observed, analyzed, taught, and subjected to tests separately - separate as discrete view. Language is also not seen as able to be taught and subjected to the tests in terms of single and combined elements of language skills or with each other as in the view integrative. Use, learning, and target language neither tests nor even merely associated with elements that exceed ekstralinguistik linguistic pragmatic approach. In the communicative approach, emphasis is placed on the function of language use and communication learning organization relies on communication as its primary function. The emphasis on communication is what makes a categorized as a communicative approach, in the form of communicative language learning, and the implementation of communicative language tests as well.
How to implement these characteristics in the formulation and its implementation communicative test, is a simple drop out. It is implicit in the definition of the use of communicative ability test as shelled in the previous section, defined as tests that are not normally used to measure the ability of grammatical (typically used in contradiction to tests of grammatical knowledge). The formula is not quite directive, as should a definition, so it is not easy to use as the basis for understanding and use operationally. The phrase was more of the definition of what is not a test of communicative skills, without complete with a description of the characteristics and the real figure of a small number of examples of existing communicative proficiency test, expressed as developed on the basis of the theory of communicative abilities, it still gives impression of the preparation of the test based on a particular communicative dimension as the focus and primary reference.
Focus on a part of the communicative aspects in the implementation of such a communicative test seems to be unavoidable, and will color any form of communicative tests. Even the (authenticity) as one of the main requirements in the implementation of the communicative approach in the administration of the test, tend to merely be understood as characteristic of the use of language that reflects as accurately as possible the content and language skills that were targeted (mirrors as exactly as possible the possible the content and skills under test) however, in the context of language learning in schools than is the use of language that is never a truly authentic language use. But merely a reflection and a simulation of the actual situation and the use of language, this sought authentic as and very communicative. In this case is up to the organizers of learning, teaching, and policy tests to see to it that can be met in a communicative level maximum, because communicative basically is something that is not black and white, there is or there is not, but in the form of a continuum (continuum). Something that should have communicative traits, as well as communicative tests, in fact not just test the communicative or not communicative, but how communicative a test can be pursued, so that the test may be more, or less, communicative than some other tests.
As the tests are intended to give participants a task to conduct tests with specific language skills, including the ability to communicative, communicative tests need to be developed with a clear relationship to the real context (very context-specific). Communicative tests should be ordered by description learn more about the type of language to be found and used actual, which reflects the situation that will be faced by actual communication. All of that applies to the selection of background material, including text readings to test reading skills, the selection and formulation of test items, and the type of skills required to reveal the answer by testing participants. All the traits that need to be taken into account in the preparation of communicative tests, and sought fulfillment in the development of communicative tests, if not entirely, at least part of it, because it's filled with more or less characteristic determining the communicative content of a communicative test.
Efforts to take into account and realize traits - traits such as communicative tests can clearly be traced, especially in IELTS (international English language testing the system). As reflected in the training materials, refer to the IELTS test and developed on the basis of language skills more details, listening skills (listening), reading comprehension (reading), writing (writing), and speaking (speaking). Exercise test as a whole package consists of six modules, two modules for all participants without distinction. Four other modules are distinguished by type of language skills for further study. The first two modules consisting of listening and speaking (listening and speaking), for all participants, while the other four modules consist of two groups, the academic program (academic reading and academic writing), and group training programs (general training reading and general academic writing). Academic programs for those who would follow the degree program, while training programs for those who attend non-degree programs.
Details of the test and IELTS test targets cursory appear in the form of tests that mimic conventional language tests which explicitly refers to the details of language proficiency tests: a test listening skills, reading comprehension ability test, test the ability to speak, write and test capabilities. However, when examined and further scrutiny, match characters that describe the appearance of the various aspects of the development details of the levels of communicative tests specifically designed to realize the relevance and authenticity of context, as one of the criteria in the preparation of the test communicative as it should. It is mainly contained in
b. The Characteristic of Communicative test
1. The content and choice of topics varies with the background and purpose of further study candidates.
2. Source material selection oriented language acquisition in general problem areas of study for academic programs, and are oriented to the problems of everyday language use for linguistic survival.
 3. Type of reference material used in different types of packaging in the form of books, journals, magazines, newspapers.
 4. The type and format a variety of tests, including subjective and objective without question with a yes or no, monologue interviews and conversations with the testers.
c. Procedure to Develop Communicative Test
The tests which are widely used in school achievement test is conducted in the classroom. According Djemari Mardapi (2003) test development goals include 1) improve the level of student progress, 2) measure the growth and development of students, 3) rank students based on ability, 4) difficulty diagnosing students, 5) evaluate the results of teaching, 6) determine the effectiveness of the achievement of the curriculum and 7) motivate students. A test often used for several purposes, but a test that is used for several purposes that its effectiveness will not be the same for any purpose. There are several steps to be followed in developing the test, namely:
1.      Analyze competency standards (SK) and basic competence (KD).
2.      Prepare the main concept map based SK and KD.
3.      Prepare design matrix test / test grating.
4.      Sorting out the concept map based indicators to be developed into a test item.
5.      Prepare specifications for one or more items of questions.
6.      Writing a point of question based of specification that have been developed.
7.      Determining the scoring rubrics or guidelines
Meanwhile, from the description of communicative tests above, it stands to reason that demands to reflect the real communicative situations, difficult to avoid an impact on reliability as one of the prerequisites for a good test. Apparently it was a price to pay in the administration of tests that rely on communicative aspects in the form of compliance (validity) is high between the execution of such tasks formulated in the grain - grain test, with the use of the right kind of language skills, as well as compensation for the possible lack of reliability.
It has been argued before that the way to measure something in this language tests is influenced by the theory test or teaching methods. Discrete point testing is the consequence of a discrete point teaching. According to Schultz and Barts (1975) to develop communicative skills necessary requirements as follows: 1. life situations that are meaningful and authentic, 2. motivation, 3. freedom to use language, 4. freedom to be creative and experiment a language, 5. classroom environment that supports without fear of a laughingstock, and 6. prioritize grace than criticism of mistakes.
Barbara Snyder (1984) suggests communicative test examples using other forms of conventional tests such as multiple choice tests (multiple-choice tests), stuffing, true-false, and so on, but with modifications here and there, such as the following:
Multiple Choice Fill-in-the blank
First select the phrase that most correctly answer the question and then fill in the blank to make the answer complete.

 What did you have for lunch yesterday?
a.       I studied…
b.      You had …
c.       I ate …
Open-ended multiple choice
                                     Where is David going tomorrow?
a.       the beach
b.      the bus
c.       the band
                  Multiple-choice multiple choice
          Select at least four correct answers from the 10 provided
When I am bored I read … (novels, tomatoes, comic books, T-shirts, magazines,
Bicycles, flowers, newspapers, cereal boxes, cats,)
                                    Fill-in the-blank fill-in-the-blank
Make logical sentences by filling in both blanks in each sentence.
         I am … because …
         I want to … because …
2.2 Creative fill-in the-blank items
         Fill in the blanks in these sentences with as many words as possible.
         When it’s raining I …
          I love to eat …
          Laura’s dog is always happy when Laura …
                                    Improving dehydrated sentences
         Use the words below in as long a meaningful sentence as possible:
       -  Mary/go/store
3.2 Extended sentences
         Add as many words as possible to meaningfully lengthen the sentence:
          - John does his homework
3.3 Extended paragraphs
Rewrite a brief paragraph adding as much meaningful information as possible,
-          The car is blue. It is in the parking lot.
-          A policeman is coming.  He smiles.
In conventional tests students have to answer the question or questions on the basis of model that has been determined.
For example: (picture game 'football' is shown)
Model: You like to study, do not you?
-          Yes, and I also like to play football.
For students who do not like studying or displeased 'football' about this kind uncommunicative. Questions such as these can be made more communicative with the answer as directed but student then add the answer true or false. Another way is to eliminate the words "following the model of 'the messenger. In other words, tell the students answer accordance with her wishes.
          In conventional tests are typically students have to answer the question or questions ordered according to their conscience and intellect though not willed so. In communicative tests should be given the choice and the freedom of students to answer. Remember the question or questions like 'Do you speak Spanish?' That must be answered 'Yes, I do' or 'No, I do not', but the question can be answered a variety, such as' My brother does', 'Not really ',' I wish I did ', etc.

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